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Projects Overview

Geoliftec is a comprehensive platform that streamlines and optimizes the management of forklifts and their operators within various companies and warehouses. It provides a Super Admin with ultimate authority and a wide range of capabilities, including:

  • Creation of forklifts and registration of tracking devices on the platform.
  • Assignment of tracking devices to specific forklifts.
  • Creation of warehouses, companies, company admins, company managers, and forklift operators.
  • Assignment of warehouses to companies and company managers and operators to their respective companies

The Super Admin has a holistic view of all companies, enabling them to oversee the performance of multiple entities from a central platform. This provides a high-level overview of all the companies and their respective data.

Overall, Geoliftec offers a powerful and user-friendly solution to efficiently manage forklifts, operators, and maintenance activities. By leveraging data analytics and visualization, the platform empowers administrators to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and enhance productivity across companies.

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Our Process

Step 01

Setup and Configuration

Super Admin creates and configures the Geoliftec platform for the company, including adding forklifts, operators, and warehouses.

Step 02

Daily Inspections

Operators use the Geoliftec mobile app to conduct daily forklift inspections and answer custom questions posed by the Company Admin.

Step 03

Inspection Monitoring

Super Admin and Company Admin review the inspection reports submitted by operators to identify any potential issues.

Step 04

Data Management & Visualization

Both Admins uses the Geoliftec web-based interface to monitor various statistics related to forklifts and operators. This information can be used to make informed decisions and optimize operations.